Scott Janke, a south Florida town manager who is married to a porn star, Anabela Mota Janke, has been reportedly fired from his post after the mayor and council members learned about the marriage.

Fort Myers Beach town council voted 5-0 to fire Scott Janke “without cause” after Mayor Larry Kiker summoned an emergency meeting on Tuesday night.
According to the sources Kiker has reportedly told the media that he came to know that afternoon that Scott’s wife is an adult star, and the elected officials took the action on Scott a few hours later. “We did everything we could not to judge. It was not about him or her, it was about the town,” Kiker reportedly told the media.
Recently Adult Industry News had reported that Scott Janke’s wife Anabela Mota Janke goes on to the stage with the name Jazella Moore. Kiker stated that a clause in Janke’s contract have allowed them to terminate him from his post.
Reacting to his sudden termination from his office Sott Janke said, “Our heads are held high. We have nothing to be embarrassed about. We have done nothing wrong.” Scott Janke said that the mayor had called him before the meeting but did not let him to attend it. He said that Kiker had called him post meeting to inform him about the outcome. According to the reports Scott will supposedly get a severance package worth of his six month’s salary, which comes to about $50,000, plus health benefits.
Janke said that he and his wife had been married since October, and were taking care of their three teenage children. He didn’t comment about any possible legal action against the town.