Our beautiful first lady Michelle Obama wore what some consider short shorts when she went to the Grand Canyon with her family. Her choice to wear shorts is being highly criticized by some members of the media and the

Many people seem to believe that Michelle Obama should never wear shorts in public. She didn't exactly wear a pair of Daisy Dukes. If she chose to wear shorts that short we could understand the drama. In all fairness, Michelle Obama's shorts were mid-thigh length.
Michelle Obama is a younger more hip than the former First Lady Laura Bush was. In the past, Mrs. Obama seemed to always dress appropriately in public. Was it so wrong of her to wear shorts during a summer vacation stop? Apparently many Americans think so.
In the "scandalous" photos President Obama is dressed in long pants and a polo shirt, while the Michelle and the Obama girls wore shorts.
In June, Michelle Obama caused an uproar when she was seen walking the families dog, Bo, on the White House lawn wearing shorts. You can view those photos here on Huffington Post.