Tiger Woods Returns To The Masters Because Of Miracle Therapy Sessions...Tiger Woods is coming back!! All together now...
"Hooray For The PGA!!" Not even
one month after admitting to the world that he was selfish and felt the rules of life did not apply to him, Tiger is returning to the safest place possible for his probable

Augusta, GA. It's interesting to me that Tiger chooses the same golf course that
did not admit a African American golfer till 1990 as the "safe home" for his return. The same golf course which
still refuses to admit female golfers as members is the place where golf's greatest professional is to make his return from his recent personal asylum.
Nothing against Augusta, but the timing of today's announcement of Tiger's return proves his "statement" to the world was nothing more than a
big fat lie.
You remember the ending of his
13 minute statement as he addressed a hand selected crowd of family and friends with no media available for questioning. When talking about his return to golf, Tiger said:
"In therapy I've learned the importance of looking at my spiritual life and keeping in balance with my professional life. I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me, my marriage and my children."
"I do plan to return to golf one day, I just do not know when that day will be."
This therapy Tiger must have gone through must have been the
best therapy in the world. I do not know about you but if I cheated on my wife with over
20 women, would not it take longer than
five to six months to fix truly what is
"most important" to you? During the 13 minutes of garbage I heard that February morning, very little of it I believed.
I believed Tiger when he stated that he felt the rules of life did not apply to him.
I believed Tiger we he stated that he owes families across the nation
(including ones who sought help with his foundation) an apology. By announcing today that his return would be the
Masters in
Augusta, GA not six months after the crash heard round the world.....
he truly was not sorry for anything.
He says the most important things in his life is his kids and his marriage, then why concentrate on your career when for most families it takes
years of therapy to fix harsh wounds. He says he had a lot of work to do and said he would dedicate himself to do it.
Was this the
Cliffsnotes version of "therapy?"
By returning to golf so soon only makes Tiger look shameful at best. Most people who are in therapy
NEED to work for a living. He is the first athlete to gross over a
BILLION DOLLARS but he feels he needs to get back on the golf course which for many would be considered an escape.
"I have undergone almost two months of inpatient therapy and I am continuing my treatment. Although I am returning to competition, I still have a lot of work to do in my personal life."
He cheated on his wife with more than a baker's dozen of women and yet two months of therapy.....
Tiger Woods thinks he can play all of us for fools then I hope the American public is not buying the crap he is serving us. Not one month ago he told us that he and
Elin had begun the process of discussing the damage caused by his actions, now after
two months of therapy he feels
Augusta is where he needs to be because it's a special focus in his career?
Tiger Woods is simply being the old
Tiger Woods. Handpicking the tournaments he wants to play based on how much of the spotlight he can get. Tiger is simply picking
The Masters because it's the
crown jewel of the sport and it's where he can once again
dominate the attention of the tournament no matter how he fairs on the scorecard. Tiger may think in two months he has fixed some of the damage in his personal life, but the reality of the fact is
he is still is an addict of his own celebrity.