Michael Jackson was a cultural icon and a musical legend. So you could be forgiven, on this Friday, if you try to get some Michael Jackson loaded
up on your PC or smart phone, even at the office. If you don't own any albums, there are plenty of free ways to check out the massive quantity of Michael material online, whether you're at your PC or on the go.

Pandora. A customized Michael Jackson radio station on Pandora.com will start with Michael Jackson himself, heading into other artists with "disco grooves, a subtle use of vocal harmony, mid rhythmic syncopation, antiphony and mixed acoustic and electric instrumentation." More likely than not, you'll hear music seriously influenced by Michael - whether it's one of his family's bands (like The Jacksons, the Jackson 5, or Janet Jackson) or music in a similar vein (Pandora gave me Rick James within six songs.) You can log into Pandora through your Web browser, or use a smartphone client on iPhone, BlackBerry, or Windows Mobile. Check out our reviews of Pandora on the PC and on the iPhone.
Slacker. Slacker has the same trick of creating a customized, Michael-themed radio station with a lot of other Jackson family content, as well. But much more than Pandora, Slacker loads up their custom station with modern descendants of Jackson's music, artists like Beyonce, Usher and Justin Timberlake. Check out our reviews of Slacker on the PC, iPhone and BlackBerry.
Nutsie. Nutsie has a mobile app which taps into your own iTunes library, but what we're most interested in here is their Web site, which serves (among other things) as a weird sort of YouTube search engine. If you search for Michael Jackson songs, it will pull semi-random YouTube tribute videos to those songs, giving you a very serendipitous look at Jackson's effect on pop culture.
YouTube. There are lot of Michael Jackson videos on YouTube. Remember, the "real" version of Thriller is more than 13 minutes long. The "real" version of Bad, directed by Martin Scorsese, is 16 minutes, but I couldn't find it on YouTube. You can get YouTube on the iPhone and many other smart phones, through customized apps or the Web browser (go to m.youtube.com)
MTV.com. MTV.com also has tons of Michael Jackson videos, of course, including that crazy-long version of "Bad" that I had trouble finding on YouTube, where Jackson plays a young man named "Darryl."