Monday, June 29, 2009

maria belen chapur photos

maria belen chapur photos

Maria Belen Chapur Photo' was one of the most searched internet trends last week until the death of Michael Jackson - but exactly who is she More details are emerging about Governor Mark Sanford's 43-year-old mistress and more photos of Maria has surfaced. A video of her doing a news report surfaced on the Internet last week.

Now she's speaking out.

ABC reports: 'Maria Belen Chapur, a former television producer, remains under the radar because of intense media scrutiny surrounding her. But in a brief statement conveyed through a television report on Buenos Aires' C5N channel, the 41-year-old said she indeed was involved with Sanford and that the published e-mail correspondence between the two was obtained from her account by a "hacker."'

ABC News has more here.

A Video of Maria linked here.