Tuesday, May 19, 2009

klippel trenaunay syndrome

klippel trenaunay syndrome

Carla Sosenko, a well known copy editor and freelance writer has publicly announced that she is suffering from a rare disease called Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS). Carla says she was born with the disease, which is a congenital circulatory disorder characterized by hemangiomas, arteriovenous abscesses, and varicose veins, mainly on the limbs.

The disease is painful and life-threatening but there are several treatments that work with varying success.
Surgical: Debulking is the most widely used treatment for the syndrome, but it is very invasive and is generally only used as a last resort.

Non-Surgical: Sclerotherapy is a treatment for individual veins in the affected area. Sclerotherapy involved injecting checmicles into the veins that will open them up to allow normal blood flow to resume.

Compression garments and massage therapy are also used to treat Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome.