dream on lyrics
The collapse of a portion of the "American Idol" stage left the Final Four performing without the benefit of a full dress rehearsal. But surely the sage vocal coaching of Slash would be sufficie
nt to steer them to solid Classic Rock Night performances?
Click through for recaps of the four solo performances, plus what I can only pray will be the first and last use of "American Idol" competitive duets...

Click through for recaps of the four solo performances, plus what I can only pray will be the first and last use of "American Idol" competitive duets...
Singer: ADAM LAMBERTSong: "Whole Lot of Love"My Take: After an extended guitar intro, Adam breaks into a Zeppelin cover that is every bit as glam-rock-perfect as you'd imagine, but is it too conventional a Robert Plant impression? This is perhaps the most straight-forward performance Adam's given all season. I mean, he's utterly tremendous within the carbon-copy parameters and if Plant ever wants to take a vacation, he could tour with Jimmy Page. It's not a karaoke performance, but it may be a stadium-touring cover-band performance. I'm still disappointed we didn't get to hear Slash and Adam jamming on some G-n-R classics. You think they could "blow it out da box" on "Mr. Brownstone"? Because I'd watch that.Georges Clemenceau, Vittorio Orlando, Woodrow Wilson and Simon Say: This is the Adam that Randy loves, as the judge reassures Adam that he's a rock star, not a Broadway star. Kara clarifies that Adam is actually a Rock God. Poor Kara. She's auditioning for a role on the "Gossip Girl" spinoff tonight. Paula raves that Adam is "A whole lotta perfect." Simon complains that the performance was understated. It's one of Simon's favorite Adam performance and he warns that nobody can top it.