Laura Waring: Real Housewife of OC
Laura Waring, a housewife on the show Real Housewives of Oran

Ex Husband Phil Waring earns about $360,000 a year according to Laura. Laura reports that she is working two jobs as an actress and insurance agent. Laura Waring is now married to George Peterson, a real estate tycoon.
When laura isn't busy being an actress, insurance agent, or ruthless ex-wife she finds time to keep herself in great shape. Laura, a mother of 3 looks great for her age andreportedly achieves her slim phsyique through healthy eating and physical exercise.
There have been some rumors that she has undergone multple plastic surgeries, but the origin and truth of the allegations are unknown. The picture below is supposedly a before and after shot of Laura in which her face changes noticably.
If you prefer the healthy way of getting fit you should stick to cardio, stretching/yoga and a natural weight supplement like Acti veZyme.